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News, Studies, Books, Podcasts, Texts and Reforms

Half of the human beings in the World are Women. (The World Bank & INSEE)

The purpose of this section is to raise awareness among all Women and Men,
that these subjects are no longer isolated.
That we, and the women around us, experience all these situations at some point of our lives.
That actions are already underway. Let things change.
That studies, measures, laws, penalties, means and proposals for action are put in place.
That this large-scale change will require a global awareness.
By understanding these situations, our reactions, by conscious and voluntary reflection on these subjects and by the action of each and every one of us, on a daily basis, as soon as these situations arise (again) and we have the opportunity to change the situation.
Because we are all - women and men - fully capable of it.
Stop suffering, stop pretending nothing happened, stop letting things go and stop waiting.
To ensure that everyone's daily lives evolve quickly.
For All Women. For All Men.
NB: Help us. Send us your recommendations of articles, readings, listening, etc. via the contacts tab to enrich this section.
Together. Everywhere. All the time.
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Half of the human beings in the World are Women. (The World Bank)
In France
In the world
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#éducation #emplo #entrepreneuriat
Half of the human beings in the World are Women. (The World Bank)
In France
In the world
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#santé #sexualité #parentalité #quotidien
Half of the human beings in the World are Women. (The World Bank)
In France
In the world
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#politique #légal #viepublique
Half of the human beings in the World are Women. (The World Bank)
In France
In the world
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